Thursday, November 24, 2011

Who are you voting for?

Okay so I am totally lost this election. One thing I do know is that I will not vote for Herman Cain. It's not because i'm racist he makes serious racist jokes and expects America to laugh along with him. Like that joke about lets build two paralleled walls and put an crocodile in the middle at the border. Like that one crossed the line. Also this guy expects us to vote for him when he thinks Cubans speak Cuban. I mean Mexico is big ally of America and if he doesn't even know Cubans speak Spanish. I don't expect him to speak Mandarin but at the very least you should know that one. Now from the other ones i am not to sure. Your the one putting the ballot I am just putting out information. That's it for got to go help cook turkey and dessert.

Friday, November 18, 2011

More Bad Parents

Really like remember the other parents I told you about. Well this Wisconsin couple starved their baby. Yes you heard me right. How could they do this to their child? Well both got out on bond as long as they have no contact with the baby. I think they should be in jail for a long, long time. Oh and I never told you the reason. They were scared the kid was going to grow obese. Wow the bad choices. Just as it grows feed it healthy vegetables and actually feed it like any other NORMAL human being. I know I sound mean but I have may nieces of my own and I couldn't imagine being alone without food. So that's my opinion.

American Censorship Day

I have been seeing on many websites stating that congress wants to pass a bill on censoring websites like Facebook, Twitter, and for those who still use Myspace. What I mean by this is if a person posts on Facebook them singing a song they can be fined or even put in jail (not because of copyright!). Because of this law they can stop you from posting freely online. Does this sound like a violation of some constitutional rights? Yes put that's what they are going to ask to do. So if you have any of those social networking sites I say you send a letter to congress.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

MW3 Again!

Okay so i got MW3 Hardened Edition at Best Buy after waiting in line for like an hour. But it is worth man that game is even better than I expected. Especially the style kill confirmed. Yeah and the campaign is really cool. Havent finished it though because I have been playing multiplayer too. So for all you people who got the game happy gaming!

Monday, November 7, 2011

What do you want to be?

So since we were kids people have been asking is what do we want to be when we grow up. Well a lot of kids say cops and firemen. Then pre-teens and teens say I want to be a football/baseball star. Or a Doctor.But when you get in college you say "What do I want to be?" Then thats the real question so how many kids who said I want to be a cop or firemen actually became one. Maybe 4 out of 10. At the most but the majority of them end up being something totally unrelated. What I think well I dont know I guess I just wanted to point this out. :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So lately I have been noticing a lot of movie getting undeserved MPAA Ratings like a few scary movies. Example one of the last exorcist movie came out and it got PG-13 yeah. But is this a good thing for teenagers. I know parents dont think it is but in the end this what I say. All the people in that business are crazy. Though they are smart. Bye!