Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hi Again

So its 12:40 in the morning and im bored so I decided to write. First if you own an Xbox 360 with Live then you will want to here this so my xbox account got hacked. The total of the damage to my credit card only about 280 dollars. Which I then had to call for the start of an investigation. It started the 5th of this month and ended the 23rd. Which dont get me wrong its better than most cases. So for the refund of the money to appear I have to wait ten to thirty business days. This process could not be any slower but I stay thankful I wasnt with PSN during their hack it went out for a long time and credit cards were wasted. On a different note well the dictator of North Korea passed away this Monday or near that time. The conflicts between North and South had taken the backseat now im not the one to speak ill of the dead so go to Netflix (if you have it) and put North Korea in the Nat Geo documentaries and get ready for a surprise. So for now thats it.
Thank You and Goodnight

Monday, December 5, 2011

More Video Games

So there have been some really great video games coming out and I currently have 1. Yes but I have played all. So I wanted to point out a few like MW3, BF3, GOW3, and FIFA 12. Yeah they are all great and available on Xbox 360. Also speaking of Xbox 360 there is going to be a dashboard update making it more integrated with Kinect. Here's the link . Back to business okay so MW3 and BF3 are definitively my favorites. BF3 because of its graphics and MW3 for its story and I am a total COD fan. If you haven't noticed I have been using a lot of acronyms. So take your guess at this one IWTPSCOD and its related to the blog.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Who are you voting for?

Okay so I am totally lost this election. One thing I do know is that I will not vote for Herman Cain. It's not because i'm racist he makes serious racist jokes and expects America to laugh along with him. Like that joke about lets build two paralleled walls and put an crocodile in the middle at the border. Like that one crossed the line. Also this guy expects us to vote for him when he thinks Cubans speak Cuban. I mean Mexico is big ally of America and if he doesn't even know Cubans speak Spanish. I don't expect him to speak Mandarin but at the very least you should know that one. Now from the other ones i am not to sure. Your the one putting the ballot I am just putting out information. That's it for got to go help cook turkey and dessert.

Friday, November 18, 2011

More Bad Parents

Really like remember the other parents I told you about. Well this Wisconsin couple starved their baby. Yes you heard me right. How could they do this to their child? Well both got out on bond as long as they have no contact with the baby. I think they should be in jail for a long, long time. Oh and I never told you the reason. They were scared the kid was going to grow obese. Wow the bad choices. Just as it grows feed it healthy vegetables and actually feed it like any other NORMAL human being. I know I sound mean but I have may nieces of my own and I couldn't imagine being alone without food. So that's my opinion.

American Censorship Day

I have been seeing on many websites stating that congress wants to pass a bill on censoring websites like Facebook, Twitter, and for those who still use Myspace. What I mean by this is if a person posts on Facebook them singing a song they can be fined or even put in jail (not because of copyright!). Because of this law they can stop you from posting freely online. Does this sound like a violation of some constitutional rights? Yes put that's what they are going to ask to do. So if you have any of those social networking sites I say you send a letter to congress.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

MW3 Again!

Okay so i got MW3 Hardened Edition at Best Buy after waiting in line for like an hour. But it is worth man that game is even better than I expected. Especially the style kill confirmed. Yeah and the campaign is really cool. Havent finished it though because I have been playing multiplayer too. So for all you people who got the game happy gaming!

Monday, November 7, 2011

What do you want to be?

So since we were kids people have been asking is what do we want to be when we grow up. Well a lot of kids say cops and firemen. Then pre-teens and teens say I want to be a football/baseball star. Or a Doctor.But when you get in college you say "What do I want to be?" Then thats the real question so how many kids who said I want to be a cop or firemen actually became one. Maybe 4 out of 10. At the most but the majority of them end up being something totally unrelated. What I think well I dont know I guess I just wanted to point this out. :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So lately I have been noticing a lot of movie getting undeserved MPAA Ratings like a few scary movies. Example one of the last exorcist movie came out and it got PG-13 yeah. But is this a good thing for teenagers. I know parents dont think it is but in the end this what I say. All the people in that business are crazy. Though they are smart. Bye!

Monday, October 31, 2011


So for Halloween I heard Obama did not want to pass out any candy. But his wife convinced him otherwise. Now they came to an agreement and are giving out (drum roll please) APPLE SLICES! Yes so if you want your very own fruit from the White House you know what to do. On the other hand Steve Jobbs may he rest in peace wad going to help Obama on his campaign. Saying he needs to be more business like. Thats about it for today have a great Halloween!

Halo: Reach

Halo Reach well, well, this is the mother of all Halo games to date after the epic fail of Halo 3: ODST so I wanted to explain the game. Yes the campaign is awesome and heartbreaking but I think the best part of it is . . . . . . . . . forge it is so awesome. It is like Legos which are awesome on its own. But with this there are so many weapons and vehicles. As long as you have a great imagination this should be a blast and probably your favorite part too. (Only available on Xbox 360). Bye!


               Hey guys it's Halloween and kids are all going to get candy. Many people are choosing to not celebrate because of its origins and its true. But then again its always what you think of it. I personally think if you don't get to caught up in it it's okay. As long as you keep yourself distanced from the real meaning and just have fun with it. So just have fun be safe and have a great Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hey again

              Sorry I haven't posted in a while ( 1 day ) but here is some news. So first up a girl dropped her baby off a third story window but with a rope and into hand when the building was on fire. Yes it was justifiable but man was it risky and she repeated for each of her kids. Next I have been watching the World Series and well last nights comeback was beautiful. Though I am going for the Texas Rangers it was one of the best comebacks. Yeah that's about it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


              Hey guys I am just here to talk about NUKES!!! I know immature, but just wanted to say do you know how many nuclear bombs we have dropped on other countries . . . . . 2. On ourselves over a thousand. Yes not huge nuclear winter nukes but test nukes. In New Mexico if you look over it with google earth in a specific place you can see some craters ( I dont know where ). But if you did awesome. Yeah that's it its a quick one.

So Politics

               Okay so everyone knows Obama is going for re-election right? But so lets see what big things Obama has really done during his term. Hmm not much and definitely not all that he promised. Hey don't get me wrong I am all Democrat but just because i'm a Democrat does that mean that I have to go with whatever president my party puts for election good or bad? All I know is that many Mexicans which are a big part of the population wont vote for him. The reason, he said he would change immigration laws (which was what pulled in the votes past election) which he didn't and he did not pull all soldiers from the Middle East. I think what got him elected was the hype of the younger generation that was excited for America's first black president. I mean no disrespect because he is our president and we have to accept that but I am just saying for the future elections. I know he means good but its not good. During his term we went from AAA to AA+ which is a down grade in credit rating for you people who don't know. That's why earlier this year NYSE was in apocalyptic chaos. So before you put in that ballot think about it. That's it for now bye.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hello More Topics

So today I heard that there is over 20 million tons of debris from Japan floating eastward and soon it will reach Hawaii. On the topic Hawaii to scare all you people on the west coast ( i'm one of them). Hawaii is like a really big cookie with way to many topping and it keeps growing but thinly. So what this means is when it gets really heavy it breaks on the thin side. So all that weight (half an island) is going to fall and create a tsunami.So that will be going so fast that it wil get to most coastal cities in no time. But on a better news topic a high school running back was able to make a touchdown by jumping over a few defenders. He flew over for five yards which is A LOT. So thats about it for now.


Hi guys i'm going to try and make this one quick. So the Chargers are a great team and I am a fan but one thing that makes me mad is Norv Turner does not know how to use his players and they are good. So first we need a new coach and a better strategy did you see the last throw of Sunday's game. Those are the things that make me question my loyalty but i'm still here aren't I. Oh and the playoffs, Superbowl are definitely out of the question.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Xbox vs. PS3

            Hey guys it's me again and I just wanted to say people have been fighting on this dispute for the longest time ever and its annoying. So here I am and I will try to be the most unbiased as I can be because this I have an Xbox. So the PS3 does have some better support for graphics though. But don't forget Xbox also has very well renown graphics. Also they both have games made exclusively for one. Two big ones I know for Xbox is the Halo series and the Gears of War series. Oh yeah and the PS3 has the killzone series also it has God of War and you guessed it the Gran Turismos. So they both have great games on it and actually I do have PS3 too. So I do know. I still am very enveloped in Xbox Live instead of PSN. Yes if you must know I am quite bothered by the fact I have to pay to play but it is well worth it. They have a much more understanding banning system. The customer support is also much more helpful. Yes if you rather save some 60 dollars thats your call but the support and gameplay is better. Now about the PS3 it is much more newer and up to date because of all the updates. Also it has an easier to use store like they make getting demos much easier and stuff. Still they have the Playstation move. The Kinect is the better head to head with the playstation move. The fact you dont need the control is much funner. I have used both and that was my decision. So the ultimate thing is make your decision.

Multiplayer: Xbox 360

Marketplace/store: Playstation 3

Exclusive games: Xbox 360

Graphics: Playstation 3

Those are my decisions and once again we are all tied up. So on the end it is yours to decide and if you ever want me to discuss something put it in the comments below.

Modern Warfare 3

Hey guys back again so I hear this new game MW3 is coming out Nov. 8 so all you major gamers should totally get it. Yeah I pre-ordered it Hardened Edition. So I looked at the trailers (all of them) so it looks very intricate on the multiplayer and especially the campaign. But yes it is created by different people yes same company different people due to a legal dispute between Activision and Infinity Ward. It is still going to be awesome. Though I will give its rival BF3 (Battlefield 3) does have great graphics and compelling campaign I am still and always will be a die hard Call of Duty fan and yes I play Xbox Live I will talk about that dispute later hit me up on it iiNoSz iNSaNe

Hi !

I know my first post was really wack and only one sentence long. So today I noticed how screwed up life could really be. I know what your thinking ( Did you just notice!?) but no its just that its I saw this one kid who killed himself. But he was only like 15. His reason he wasn't accepted. I know it's hard but now his whole immediate family if not all will be scarred upon his death. On a lighter note they killed Gaddafi which was a horrible person and leader happy to know the peoples rebellion worked. Also I know super late but earlier this year they killed Osama Bin Laden which is even better. It looks like the world is getting more rid of bad people all we need is Castro. Lol hope that doesn't offend anyone. Also violence in Mexico has gotten a bit better looks like the president is really cracking down but it is still dangerous. So that's all for now.

My First Blog

Hey guys well this is my first blog post and I just wanted to see how it would be.